IoT TechWave: Building An Offline Voice Assistant

On March 2, Waverley invites all IoT geeks and fans to our regular online meetup – IoT TechWave. This time, Serhii Korol will share his invaluable experience in building another great solution – an offline voice assistant for your smart home.

The event is free to attend, all you need to do is register here:

Serhii is the Technical QA Manager at Waverley with profound experience in software development and testing. His deep and lasting interest in AI brought him to the research and practical implementation of voice control for regular, non-smart devices. After that, Serhii decided to take this question further and step asid from ready-made voice assistants. This time, he devoted himself to the custom implementation of an independent system for natural speech recognition within the smart home network on the basis of Vosk ASR / Spacy NLU in conjunction with modern NVIDIA Jetson hardware and programmable microphone arrays. 

If you wonder how to build a fully offline voice assistant to control your home devices, this talk will give you a brief introduction to common requirements, tasks and challenges. We’ll cover the following topics:

  • Reinventing the wheel: common considerations on why we need offline voice control.
  • Infrastructure setup: microphone arrays, ASR / NLP server, device controllers, communication layer.
  • ReSpeaker Core V2 and Matrix Voice microphone arrays overview.
  • Server-side hardware and software setup challenges, GPU-acceleration.
  • How to reduce the overall latency to make devices more responsive?
  • ASR / NLU challenges or how to make sure your voice assistant understands what you say?

Date: March 2, 7 pm.

The event is online and free to attend.